Ali Gutiérrez Romero

• architect, designer & illustrator •


Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture

The project is located in the northern part of the plateau of Ocaña (Spain). This residential building dominates the view of the plateau. It is unpleasant and unfriendly with its tenants; it shuts itself around its central courtyard, avoiding the great views that open before it.

Rehabilitation is proposed, to allow the extension of the existing housing and the creation of the so necessary balconies. Considering the viewpoint position of the building, it is essential to take this condition into account. In addition, each home will grow on average by 60%.

A double metallic façade is created, composed by a series of walkways to "capture" the landscape and some vertical gardens, which serve as the supporting structure for the cantilevers. The deck becomes a common area for the use and enjoyment of their neighbors and low areas become arcades that allow pedestrian circulation. To revitalize the area, a few commercial spaces will be placed on the ground floor to invite people to occupy the area and enjoy the spectacular views.

Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture

Captured Landscapes - Architecture
Captured Landscapes - Architecture

Captured Landscapes - Architecture